Error Code P0613 is defined as TCM Processor, meaning there’s a malfunction detected in the TCM (Transmission Control Module), often caused by shorted electrical wiring or harness.

This is a generic trouble code, meaning it applies to all vehicles equipped with the OBD-II system, especially those made since 1996 up to present. It commonly appears among Audi, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Land Rover vehicle models. Specifications on the definition, troubleshooting, and repairs of course, vary from one make and model to another.

When Error Code P0613 is stored, that means the there’s a malfunction in the internal control processor of the TCM.

The TCM may be a separate component from the PCM (powertrain control module, also known as ECM or engine control module in other vehicle makes). In many newer models, however, it’s integrated into the PCM, saving automakers space, time, and money.

Every time the ignition is turned on and the PCM is energized, multiple controllers will automatically perform self-tests. Aside from running internal controller self-tests, the CAN (controller area network) is used to compare signals from each module, ensuring these various controllers to work and interact properly.

When the PCM detects a problem upon monitoring the functions of the TCM, Error Code P0613 will be stored, while simultaneously activating the Check Engine light. Depending on the severity of the condition, it may require multiple drive cycles for the Check Engine light to activate.

Common Symptoms

  • Erratic transmission when shifting
  • Harsh transmission shifting
  • Inaccurate or inoperable speedometer/odometer

In some cases, other TCM/PCM codes may be present.

Possible Causes

The most common cause for this code is defective TCM. Other possible causes include:

  • Corroded, faulty, loose, open, or shorted electrical wiring
  • Corroded or shorted electrical connectors
  • Open or shorted circuit or connector in CAN harness
  • Open or shorted TCM harness
  • TCM/PCM programming error
  • Failed TCM/PCM power source
  • Insufficient ground in control module

How to Check

This code is one of the many tricky codes to diagnose and fix, even with professional technicians. Also, reprogramming issue must also be considered. Without the right reprogramming equipment, it will be impossible to replace a defective controller and complete the repair.

If there are other TCM/PCM codes present, then they must be addressed first before diagnosing P0163.

Start the diagnosis by connecting the OBD-II scanner, read the codes stored in the PCM and see if any related codes may be the root of the problem. After reading all saved codes, do a visual inspection of all circuits and wirings. Check the connectors and wirings using an ohmmeter to ensure there is no open or short circuit.

Then, check the PCM, CAN bus, and other relevant components.

When trying to diagnose this code, refer to your information source or TSB (technical service bulletin); looks for signs and symptoms parallel to the stored code. Search for the year, make, model, and engine of your vehicle. If you can find the right TSB, then you may get the best diagnostic information for your problem.

Use vehicle information source to obtain component locations, connector face views, connector pin-out charts, wiring diagram, and diagnostic flow chart related to your vehicle’s error code.

Then, use the DVOM to the test controller power supply fuses and relays. Next, test and replace any blown fuses as necessary. Fuses must be tested with circuit loaded.

If all fuses and relays are running well, check whether the controller related wiring and harness are in order. You may also want to check chassis and engine ground junctions. Again, use your vehicle information source to obtain ground locations as related circuits. Test ground integrity using the DVOM.

Then, check the system controllers for any signs of water, heat, or collision damage. Any controller that is damaged, especially by water, is considered defective and must be replaced.

If controller power and ground circuits are intact, then there’s a good chance the controller is defective, or there’s a programming error in the controller. Thus, controller replacement requires reprogramming. In some cases, you may want to get aftermarket reprogrammed controllers. Some vehicles and controllers require on-board reprogramming that may be done only through the dealership or a qualified shop.

How to Fix

Depending on your diagnosis, common repairs for this code include:

  • Repair or replacement of faulty electrical components
  • Use of specialized CAN scanner to locate the specific area where there are circuitry problems, and repair as necessary
  • Repair or replacement of TCM
  • Test the module for ground circuits continuity, repair or replacement of faulty components

Error Code P0163 is a serious problem that must be addressed immediately. The TCM is tasked to regulate electrical signals within the automatic transmission of the vehicle. If the gear shifting capabilities are not working properly, then the vehicle will not function properly. If this problem is left unaddressed, it could lead to serious transmission failure.