Error Code P0753: Shift Solenoid A Electrical
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Error Code P0753 is defined as Shift Solenoid A Electrical/1-2 Shift Solenoid Circuit Electrical. This means there’s an electrical abnormality detected by the PCM (powertrain control module, also known as ECM or engine control module in other vehicle makes) in the transmission shift solenoid A, which is usually caused by a faulty shift solenoid.
This code is a generic trouble code, meaning it applies to all vehicles equipped with OBD-II system, or vehicles made since 1996 up to present. Specifications on the definition, troubleshooting and repairs of course, vary from one make and/or model to another.
Error Code P0753 suggests an abnormality in the transmission shift solenoid A detected by the PCM.
For automatic transmission, the vehicle is what controls the shifting by utilizing the shift solenoid, any variations in the gear ratio (the PCM detects that the gear doesn’t match the actual gear when the vehicle is driven) can cause the Error Code P0753 and trigger the Check Engine light.
Error Code P0753 is related to other transmission error codes, such as: P0750, P0751, P0752, and P0754.
Common Symptoms
As said earlier, Error Code P0753 triggers the Check Engine light, which is also one of its primary symptoms. Other symptoms include:
- Failure to shift into or out of gear
- Transmission control module in Limp-in mode
- Harsh shifting
- Slippage or overheating of transmission
- Decreased fuel efficiency
Possible Causes
There are many factors that lead to the occurrence of Error Code P0753 in the vehicle. The most common is faulty shift solenoid. Other possible causes include:
- Blockage of the hydraulic system inside the transmission
- Mechanical failure in transmission
- Low level or dirty transmission fluid
- Faulty transmission control module
- Defective PCM (rare)
How to Check
As with other error codes, diagnosing this code requires the use of OBD-II advanced scanner and DVOM (digital volt/ohmmeter).
To start with, mechanics inspect the transmission fluid level and the condition of the fluid. If the fluid smells burnt or abnormal in any way, the mechanic will consider changing the fluid.
If the fluid smells and looks burnt, the mechanic will also remove the transmission pan and check for debris that may indicate transmission damage. This debris could be a material from the clutch.
Next, the mechanic will check the wiring, connectors, and various components in the transmission, and look for any signs of damage.
Then, the mechanic will fill the transmission to a level high enough to check and repair leaks.
If everything looks good, the mechanic will proceed by using the advanced scanner, hook it up to the diagnostic connector and download freeze frame data or stored trouble codes.
After making all repairs, the mechanic will start the vehicle and have it reach its normal operating temperature before taking it for a test drive to make sure it runs properly.
Then, the mechanic will clear the codes and retest the system again to see if the code returns.
If the code returns, the mechanic will proceed to check the pump pressure using a manual pump gauge, along with a hydraulic pressure diagram for the vehicle to see of the problem is in the pump, electronic regulator, or a case of a faulty shift solenoid.
The mechanic will then proceed on checking the reference voltage and ground signals at the affected shift solenoid. This means the mechanic will have to disconnect all related control modules to prevent damage and memory loss.
Next, the mechanic will retest the system again before clearing and codes, to see if the code returns.
If the problem persists, then the mechanic will consider checking the PCM to see if it’s the problem.
Once all the necessary repairs are made, and before clearing the codes again, the mechanic will retest the system once more.
How to Fix
Here are some common repairs for this error code:
- Fix any leaks in the transmission fluid
- After repairing all leaks, fill the transmission with transmission fluid to its capacity
- For burnt transmission fluid or fluid with abnormal smell or debris from the clutch transmission, the transmission must be rebuilt due to the damage it suffered from low fluid condition
- This will also require a fluid flush, replacement and the use of a new torque converter
- Replace burnt, damaged, or faulty connectors, wirings, and other components
- Broken transmission pump must be replaced. Removing transmission and partially disassembling it will require the help of a mechanic
- Damaged shifter solenoid or solenoid pack must be replaced
- Replace defective PCM
One of the most common mistakes in diagnosing this error code is replacing the shift solenoid without determining if it’s really the cause of the problem. Thus, proper diagnosis is extremely important, so you won’t have to make unnecessary expenses for unnecessary replacements.
If not dealt with, this error code can lead into more serious problem, such as overheating of the transmission, problems with shifting gears, and increase in fuel consumption.