Error Code P0810 is defined as Clutch Position Control Error. Error Code P0810 is a generic trouble code, meaning it applies to all vehicles with the OBD-II system, especially those made from 1996 up to present. This includes vehicles from, but not limited to, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford (Focus, Fiesta, etc.), Jeep, Land Rover, Smart, etc. Specifications on the definition, troubleshooting, and repairs, of course, vary between make, model, and powertrain configuration.

If a vehicle stores this code, this means the PCM (powertrain control module) has determined a fault in the clutch position control system. This code only applies to vehicles with manual transmission.

The job of the clutch position sensor is to provide a secondary safety feature to keep the engine from being started while the transmission is in gear. It works through a 2-position switch; it is open with the clutch pedal in up position and closed when it’s depressed. The clutch position sensor is usually found under the driver’s side dash on the clutch pedal pivot arm bracket.

The TCM (transmission control module) is sometimes a standalone unit, but nowadays, it’s commonly integrated into the single housing of the ECM (engine control module). This component is now referred to as the PCM, and one of its functions is it calculates input data from different sensors, including transmission input speed sensor, output speed sensor, and vehicle speed sensor(s) to determine the appropriate position of the clutch pedal position sensor.

If the PCM determines a malfunction in the clutch position control circuit or found out that the pedal is in the wrong position based on the current conditions, then it will trigger the Error Code P0810, which will simultaneously activate the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL). In some cases, and for some vehicles, multiple ignition cycles (with failure) may be needed to activate the MIL.

Common Symptoms

  • Starter unable to engage flywheel to crank the engine
  • The engine may start with transmission in gear

In some cases, the vehicle with this code may not exhibit symptoms at all.

Possible Causes

  • Faulty clutch position sensor
  • Open or shorted clutch position sensor control harness or wiring
  • Defective TCM or PCM
  • Programming error in PCM

How to Check

As with most codes, you will need a source of vehicle-specific diagnostic information, a diagnostic scanner, and a DVOM (digital volt/ohmmeter) to properly diagnose this error code.

Start your diagnosis with a technical service bulletin (TSB), based on the specific year, make, model, engine size, symptoms, and power plant of the vehicle (if applicable). This can save a lot of time in the long run.

First Step

Connect the vehicle diagnostic connector to the vehicle and retrieve all stored codes as well as the freeze frame data. Make sure you take note (write) the information down before clearing the codes, this may come handy in the future. Test-drive the vehicle until the PCM enters the readiness mode and the code resets.

When the PCM enters readiness mode, that means the code is intermittent and may be trickier to diagnose. Unfortunately, you may need to wait for the problem to get worse before you can accurately diagnose it.

Second Step

If the code resets immediately, then you can move forward with the diagnosis. Use the vehicle information source to determine the diagnostic flow-chart, find the connector pin-out charts, connector face views, and various components related to the testing procedure and specifications of the vehicle with regards to the code.

Third Step

Next, test the voltage and ground circuit at the clutch position sensor using the DVOM. If you’re able to detect the voltage and ground, use the DVOM to test the clutch pedal position sensor output.

Fourth Step

If the clutch pedal position sensor is working properly, then use the DVOM to test the system circuits. You can also use the voltage drop testing method for this step. Disconnect all controllers from the circuit before using the DVOM to test for resistance.

How to Fix

  • Check the wiring for any damage. Burnt wires and corroded connectors must be replaced or repaired as needed
  • Replacement of the clutch sensor

When this code is stored, that means there is a problem with the clutch pedal position sensor circuit. Since this component may disable engine starting, or allow the engine to start with the transmission in gear, then this code must be considered as a severe problem that needs urgent attention.

Note, if this code stores in a vehicle with automatic transmission, then you can suspect a PCM/TCM failure or error in the programming.