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Your radiator hose carries radiator fluid through your vehicle, ensuring the car stays cool and doesn’t overheat. In time, the hoses may degrade and need replacing.

The cost for a new radiator hose is about $235. The labor should be about $135, while parts should be about $100. It varies from one car to the next, and these prices don’t include taxes and mechanic’s fees, but this should give you a good indication of what you’ll pay for this replacement job.

Radiator Hose Replacement Cost Comparison

Your Mechanic

Work Warranty Price
Parts & Labour 12 months $149-$375



Work Warranty Price
Parts & Labour 12 months $158-$366


Mr. Tire

Work Warranty Price
Parts & Labour 12 months $165-$370



Work Warranty Price
Parts & Labour 24 months $166-$370



Work Warranty Price
Parts Limited $48-$175



Work Warranty Price
Parts Limited $44-$209

What Is Radiator Hose Replacement?

Typically, you will just need to replace the hoses that are damaged, but if they have been leaking for a while, then you may need to replace or clean other parts of the car. The fluid has to be cleaned, and how much of it there is to take care of will determine how long this takes and how much you will pay for repairs.

Benefits of Radiator Hose Replacement

Getting the radiator hose fixed prevents leaks. Those leaks can be minor at first, but they can become serious over time. You can end up with damage to your transmission and much of your car if the hoses are allowed to continue leaking. You will also protect your radiator and engine from damage by taking care of this issue quickly. That’s going to save you money on repairs later.

What Is Done during Radiator Hose Replacement?

To get the hoses out, the mechanic will need to drain the radiator fluid and detach the clamps that hold the hoses in place. Then he will take off the hoses and install new ones, clamping them in place. The fluid will be refilled and the vehicle tested. It’s really that simple unless there is leakage all over the interior of the engine or transmission and that has caused some damage that needs to be repaired.

When to Get Radiator Hose Replacement

Your hoses won’t wear out over time as the tires do, but the rubber in them does deteriorate and degrade over time. If there is an oil leak, the hoses will degrade even faster. The most common sign that there is a problem with your hoses is that they will start leaking radiator fluid. If there is a leak, even if you can’t see it because it is so minor, the hoses will begin to swell and crack.

If you know there is a problem with your radiator hoses, then it’s best to have the vehicle towed. You can still drive it without causing further damage, but you will be taking a risk, and you want to be careful about how much you drive after this problem is discovered.

How to Save Money on Radiator Hose Replacement

If you know how to safely empty the transmission fluid and change it out, then this can be an excellent DIY project. Doing the work on your own can save you money, but you have to know what you are doing and be able to diagnose this kind of problem correctly.

You can also save money by comparing rates and seeing who has the best price. You might find lower prices for parts or servicing if you look around.

Sample Radiator Hose Replacement Costs

Model Labor Parts Total
Ford F-Series $144-$184 $78-$215 $222-$399
Chevrolet Silverado $144-$184 $102-$191 $246-$375
Ford Focus $126-$161 $78-$215 $204-$376
Toyota Camry $234-$298 $60-$93 $294-$391
Toyota Corolla $216-$275 $68-$97 $284-$372
Nissan Altima $126-$161 $53-$65 $179-$226
Honda CR-V $162-$207 $62-$123 $224-$330
Honda Civic $126-$161 $51-$72 $177-$233
Honda Accord $135-$172 $60-$79 $195-$251
Ford Fusion $144-$184 $104-$229 $248-$413

Radiator Hose Costs Submitted By Our Users

Compare your quote to other individuals from around the country to make sure you are getting the best deal. The average for Radiator Hose is $586

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